First of all, when you already have samples, you should not write any sample for a client. Let me tell you why.
Many people ask newbies about their samples. We send that. Then they ask us to write a free or paid sample and then, they will finalize you. A lot of time, they just ask you to write so that they can copy that. They do not have the intention to hire you. When they get the material, they say it is not selected or it has errors.
So, you should avoid working with such clients.
If you get a client who ask you to do so, say an article of 500 words.
If they have not stated anything about the document type, give a sample in pdf with a watermark.
If they are specific about word document, just give a sample of 250 words and say that since it is a sample, 250 words are enough. If this is correct, we can sign a contract and then, if you want an article, I will write it for you.
There are many people who do such frauds of copying content without paying the writer. So, you should not contact such people once you recognize them.
Hope it helps. Keep supporting. Feel free to ask queries.