Content Creation | Writing
Know If You can be A Successful Writer In 2 Steps
Convert Confusion into Clarity
Oh, you want to earn as a writer? How much? $1000? $5980?
Wait! Hold on. Do you even know if you can be a good writer or not?
Do you need a niche, portfolio, or experience for that?
You do not need tools, niche or anything in the first place. You need to have clarity that this is the right field for you.
How can you do that?
Simple, by answering these two questions —
Are You Into Reading?
If your answer is yes, you have the potential to become a top writer. If it’s a no, I’m sorry but you can not.
“If you don’t have time to read, you don’t have the time (or the tools) to write. Simple as that.” ― Stephen King
But why should you read?
This is because you can not produce content if you don’t consume content.
Remember, reading is not limited to books only. We have the internet to gain knowledge about anything.
Want to read on your laptop screen? Go for it!
But I would personally suggest you to not spend much time reading on your mobile or laptop.
As writers, we have to spend hours writing on our laptops which may put stress on our eyes, giving us eyestrain. So, it is better to take some time to read content off-screen.
It doesn’t matter what genre you read — fiction or non-fiction. The thing that matters is that you are reading and thus, learning.
If you got an answer to question 1, let’s move on to the second question —
Do you enjoy writing?
For becoming a writer, this is a compulsory question.
Are you planning to be a content writer after seeing the money big influencers make through it?
Do you actually have passion to write?
See, if you are running after money, you will not see much progress in your writing style as you will spend time looking for gigs to earn a few bucks and not to improve.
However, if you love words and expressing yourself on paper excites you, then you will be a good writer.
Remember, you shine differently when you do what you love.
If you are just reading and not taking the step to write something, you will have a hard time.
About 99% of people consume content while 1% create it.
If you want to be a successful writer, you need to stand in the 1% who creates content for the remaining 99%.
Note: Taking the first step may not be easy, but it is necessary.
Final words
“The Six Golden Rules of Writing: Read, read, read, and write, write, write.”
— Ernest Gaines
If you love to read and write, congratulations.
No one can stop you from shining in this field.
Writing is the first step to become a writer, but upskilling is always the next step and for that, you need to read and consume information.
Thanks for reading and take care :)