Writing Tips | Day 3 of My Writing Challenge

Master Self-Editing: Top 5 Techniques to Polish Your Writing

Turn your writing into masterpiece

Anamika Sharma
4 min readMay 23, 2024


Source: Unsplash

You have written your article and you are ready to press the Publish button.

But before you do that, STOP!

I know you write amazing articles. But you need to edit them before publishing.

Now the question is

Should you be editing while you write?

I would say, No!

Finish writing your article first and then edit.

Although it looks simple, editing is not an easy job. But it is not a rocket science as well.

If you are new to writing, you need a little help and I am here for that.

I’ve come up with my favorite Top 5 techniques that you should use if you are aiming to master self-editing. Here they are:

Image taken from Freepik

Take a Break

Once you have completed your article, step away. Do not start editing immediately after writing.



Anamika Sharma

I write about writing tips & self-improvement | Writer from Australia